In line with the chillaxed vibe of election day, smart casual seemed to be the general dress code at polling stations in Freetown. In contrast to the fashion lunacy demonstrated at the rallies (see here and here and here), most folk were happy to put their party colours aside and peace-out in something a bit more chill. Big air kisses to all Sierra Leonians who voted, you did it with nothing less than grace and style.
Animata, you could be buck-naked and frankly all I would notice is your wonderful smile. It’s a good thing you’re not because then we wouldn’t get to see this cracking outfit, a perfect Africana print dress and matching headwrap accessorized with some chic silver dangly earrings. And yes, that’s Animata’s inked finger you can see on her left hand.
Animata’s sister Fatimata also kept it relaxed in this yellow Africana matchy with head wrap. It looks like Animata is telling me to ‘talk to the hand because the face ain’t listening’. But of course Fatimata is just showing us her inked finger.
It’s a two finger peace sign from Cleo who was yet to cast his vote when the shot was taken. Cleo kept it simple in his classic hipster uniform in which he added a pair of Birkenstocks. Take note hipsters of the world, Birkos are back.
Ojukwu could pass as one of Lindsay Lohan’s close protection bodyguards in his giant t-shirt, Kangol cap and ID tag. He specifically chose the colour of peace for election day and it was a popular choice with many of his fellow countrymen and women.