Last Friday night, the National Stadium in Freetown cranked up the generator, wheeled in a temporary ring and hosted a tournament of world-class boxing. While the action in the ring was compelling, some of the bad boy fashions in the crowd also proved a knock-out.
Black Leo’s gangster rap look was a popular ringside uniform. But what set these threads apart is the Coogi tracksuit top. For those not familiar with the label, Coogi is to Australia, what Burberry is to the UK or what Dolce and Gabbana is to Italy or what Unisa Jalloh is to Sierra Leone. An iconic fashion force that is utterly recognizable and completely unique. A walk through any Australian international airport is not complete without a quick poke around the Coogi shop. Black Leo however found his at the Congo Market.
Die-hard boxing fan Sevalie is 16 rounds of hotness in his statement headwrap which is hiding a big old bunch of dreads.
Malaika’s paired-back navy suit is a refreshing shift away from the gangsta aesthetic. The simple white beads are a shift towards my mother’s wardrobe from 1981, but somehow it all works beautifully.
Match referee James plays by the rules in his standard ref’s uniform. What I would like to know is, beyond the uniform, why do boxing referees look the same the world over? Small frame, somewhat short and most often bald?